Posts Tagged 'online buyer'

Online Holiday Spending Hits $16 Billion; Social Media Influence Grows

via TechCrunch.

The numbers are all positive from a recent comScore report.

Man making online purchase
  • $16 Billion spent online to-date
  • 28 percent of shoppers claimed social
    media influenced their purchases.
  • 13 percent were most commonly influenced
    by consumer-generated product reviews
  • 7 percent took advantage of deals and offers
    advertised on Facebook Fan Pages

The numbers are positive and so seems the online
buyer with the value they get online.

How are you using social media
to tap the online buyer?

Social Media’s influence continues to grow in influence as the online consumer seek information from trusted sources. Word of mouth and social media sites where it lies in aggregate as consumer generated reviews are proving to be an invaluable in the online buyer’s decision making process.

How have you implemented social media in your sales and marketing plans?

Leave you comment here.

Amos White is a Social Media Marketing Evangelist and public speaker.
Follow Amos on Twitter @Mos42


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