Posts Tagged 'motivation'

Be the perspective. Be the difference. #sixwords

Why do we want to inspire? To motivate? To Sell? To Influence?

Why are you in business?

How do you build an audience?

How do you make friends?

How do you serve your community?

What is your bliss? Your mission? Your vision?

What perspectives do you hold on life?

With whom do you share this?

Who are you listening to? Who is listening to you?

What is your perspective?

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This is what one person can do to change the world

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Ask not what your country can do for you–
ask what you can do for your planet.

Happy Earth Day.

It’s not another bank holiday for me, my colleagues and my family to take a day off and go to the beach. It is a day of reflection- on what I can do to add value to the health of our planet.

To share in the conversation on climate change and my individual efforts, I share this video for some inspiration on what others are doing.

Today, I telecommute and I will walk. One small change for me.
Next week, I scheduled my calendar to repeat it.

Learn More About What You Can Do

What will motivate you?

What will motivate you change to reduce your impact on the planet?

What can business learn from dog training?

What lessons can business, managers and parents learn
from dog training?

Dr. Ian Dunbar is a veterinarian, animal behaviorist who presents three lessons learned.

Watch the full video on ForaTv.

What is your idea of an Entrepreneur?

In a review of the recent Kauffman Foundation report, “The Anatomy of an Entrepreneur,” Darmesh Shah of On Startups posts 12 interesting findings.

Although most (self included) would have assumed the average entrepreneur is: 1) in computer software, 2) “twenty something”, 3) unable to find traditional employment, the Kauffman report findings were quite to the contrary.

Here are four I found most interesting:

  1. The average and median age of company founders when they started their current companies was 40.
  2. 95.1 percent of respondents themselves had earned bachelor’s degrees, and 47 percent had more advanced degrees.
  3. 69.9 percent of respondents indicated they were married when they launched their first business. An additional 5.2 percent were divorced, separated, or widowed.
  4. 59.7 percent of respondents indicated they had at least one child when they launched their first business, and 43.5 percent had two or more children.
  5. The majority of respondents (75.4 percent) had worked as employees at other companies for more than six years before launching their own companies.

Read the full post here.

What value do you think entrepreneurs present to the future economy?

Amos White is an Social Media Marketing Evangelist and public speaker.
Follow me on Twitter @Mos42

In The Moment

In The Moment

Dressage rider astride mount in mid air

Rider astride mount in mid air.

even a thundering steed
has no doubts:
defining Newtonian greatness,
as one eternal heart beat
lighter than air.

-Amos White, 2008

Internet marketing is an art and a science.

A delicate balance of responsiveness, execution, and experience, it requires us to be present in participating across the web: sharing information, and in building community, audience and influence.


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